Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Introducing - Desi Wine Fundaes

So, why another blog. Well frankly, I got this idea when one of my friends criticised a Facebook post of mine. That post was about pairing a particular red wine with Palak Rice. I know, I know what a brilliant idea and all that, but hold on to your adulation - allow me to tell you a little more.

Now, really, I know this is not something you would get to read in most places, so why not blog about my particular wine experiences and tastes.
I am no wine taster or a Sommelier, in fact I barely know the spelling of Sommelier and cannot be relied upon to get it right without spell check or a quick visit to dictionary.com. (because this browser suggested that I write 'smellier' instead :-) .
So I am not going to attempt remarks like a fruity palette with a whiff of this and a gentle rolling after taste of that.

I will make this as mundane a description of the wines I taste as I can possibly manage. I will also include what food accompanied it and the reader can choose to emulate or ignore. 
Most likely my descriptions will describe how I felt when I tasted the wine, i.e. an automatic Ahhh! escaped my lips when I had my first sip of the 2012 Malbec shown here.

Dear readers, I will make one assumption, for which I beg the pardon of some of you. I will assume that most of my readers (assuming there are some of course) are not necessarily aware of facts about wine such as AoC, vintage, varietal etc. and I will take some effort to explain these. 
Those who are already well aware can do one of two things, read and point out errors or better ways to describe or move on to the actual description of the wine in question.

Hopefully I will strike a chord with some readers.

I am starting this endeavor, having come back from an extended trip to the UK, where I had the opportunity, to taste multiple excellent wines, so please expect the first few posts to be short and kind of a little low touch. More of a reminiscing about some good wines I have tasted.

I promise, better quality photos and more interesting descriptions as I write more in the present. I also solemnly promise never to write too long a post. Which would be a fine place to end this description but - you probably need to know a little more of the perpetrators antecedents - here goes

  • Life Long Vegetarian by choice more than anything else
  • Been a teetotaler for the first 35 years of my life 
  • Went through a residential MBA without touching the alcohol at all :-) 
  • Really like food (as long as it did not move before it was cooked) 
  • Like my wines Red mostly and with a little or more than a little body

And for those who have been dying to know, here is the dictionary.com definition of Sommelier
som·me·lier   [suhm-uhl-yey; French saw-muh-lyey] 
Noun, plural som·me·liers 
a waiter, as in a club or restaurant, who is in charge of wines.

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